Security Engines
Here’s all Security Engines and what they mean. You may use type 1 for the quickest setup, but it might not be as secure.
Add a permission group after login (recommended)
This is the most secure way to add a permission group after login. This is the recommended way to use GroupSecurity, since the administration will only have permissions after they have logged in, and won’t be able to bypass it for example by some plugins working in unintented ways, or bypassing your proxy.
# What security engine to use. Possible values are listed and explained in the documentation.
type: 2
A permission plugin must be installed in the same location as the GroupSecurity plugin.
Block Commands Before Login
This mode is most suitable for all servers since it makes the player have the group before login so the other players can see the prefix the player has. But this may come with the cost of security.
# What security engine to use. Possible values are listed and explained in the documentation.
type: 1
Custom engines
You are able to create your own engines with the API